
Who can shop at Duty free on-line?

Our shop targets crew members of ships docking in Haifa and Hadera seaports can enjoy our variety of duty-free products.

How do I shop at Duty free on-line?

Simply register by filling out the registration form and start shopping!

Do I get my order immediately?

No, your order request will be sent to our team for processing and will be delivered before your departure.

Can I cancel/add items to the order I placed online?

Yes, simply contact us by E-mail or phone.

Are the brands original?

Yes, of course! All the brands we sell are 100% original, and the products that require warranty, arrive with manufacturer's warranty.


How do I make a payment?

We accept payment through credit card or cash on delivery.

What currencies do you accept?

The prices on the website are in US Dollars, but you can also pay with Euros or NIS, whatever is more convenient for you.



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